Compliant – The Food Safety Management System.
Quality Manager meets all the challenges that client and BRC audits can throw at you with all the necessary information at your fingertips. The system’s user friendly dashboard allows you to monitor all your data with ease.
It allows you to configure all your checks including Probes, Glass & Plastics, Scales, Hygiene/Personnel Checks, Metal Detection, Temperature Checks, Daily Start-up, End-of-Day, Maintenance & Equipment, Intake, Cleaning Schedules, Positive Release, Label Checks, Knife Checks, Supplier Audits, Internal Audits, Mock Recalls and many more.
- Puts you in control. De-skill your user processes and reduce human error. Act on any issued raised in realtime.
- Non Conformances. Improve the actions taken by users in the event of non-conformances by capturing photos and signatures, and advising user of actions to perform to resolve.
- Document Control. Automatically time-stamp every transaction and amendment providing a complete audit trail to get you through all your audits with confidence.
- Other integral features include Taste Panel, Complaints, Asset Inventory & Training Records – COMPLIANT can even be linked into your existing back-end systems.

01761 408174
Ranger Data Systems Limited
22 Midsomer Enterprise Park
Radstock Road
Midsomer Norton
Somerset BA3 2BB